Communication Monique Helstrom Communication Monique Helstrom

Cracking the Code: Understanding and Refining Communication Habits

I recently got to chat with my amazing new friend and ally, Russel Lolacher with Relationships At Work. We had a grand ol' time on his podcast, talking about our collective favorite topics - how communication habits are formed, the role self-awareness plays, how to understand our audiences, and what bad habits look like (yeah, you'll want to hear that part.)⁠

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Executive Monique Helstrom Executive Monique Helstrom

Business Meets Spirituality

Adam Hergenrother and I dive into a great talk about how I went from the event planning space to helping people unlock their human potential and how I overcame challenges that came up along the way. We discuss how leaders can help make sure company values are communicated clearly, and that people are hired in a way that speaks to the overall spirit of where the company wants to go. We talk about how we can first recognize signs of burnout and the larger spiritual meaning behind it, how organizations need true diversity for innovation, and why it’s a good thing if not everyone thinks and feels the same at work.

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