You hired an Assistant. Now what?
Executives Monique Helstrom Executives Monique Helstrom

You hired an Assistant. Now what?

You finally did it—you hired an Assistant. You imagined that this would be the game-changer. But here’s the reality: If you don’t set this partnership up for success, you’re going to find yourself in the same cycle of overwhelm. So, let’s fix this. Here’s how to make sure the first 30 days with your EA set you both up for long-term success.

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You Pay The Price For Poor Listening!
Executives Monique Helstrom Executives Monique Helstrom

You Pay The Price For Poor Listening!

Listening can change our lives. It can change our relationships. Unfortunately, most people confuse listening with hearing, and the ability to sit and hear what the other person is saying. Those are not the same thing. The goal of listening is understanding, just as it is with communicating. And that takes some effort.

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5 Traits of a Bad Communicator…and How to Avoid Becoming One!
Executives Monique Helstrom Executives Monique Helstrom

5 Traits of a Bad Communicator…and How to Avoid Becoming One!

Have you ever been on the receiving end of bad communication?

Chances are you have and I’m guessing it didn’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

Bad communication is often felt more than heard and the emotional toll it takes on employees can lead to the collapse of an organization or business. It’s important to know what not to do just as much as to know what to do. 

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